"An IP Address...?" "What does it mean to you and me...?"
An IP Address...? What does it mean to you and me...? What is an IP Address...? An IP Address, which stands for Internet Protocol...

Amp Repair: "Peavey Input for Amp Repair"
In this blog entry, I have put together a series of photos of repairing an input for a Peavey amp...This was repaired for a local...

Playing Around With Cameras: "Making Selfies & Effects"
In this short blog entry, I decided to have some fun with one of our cameras making selfies...While using some cool coloring, shading...

Apple Mac mini: "Upgraded"
In this short blog entry, I have 2 photos of a screen on a Mac mini where it shows the upgraded version from 4Gbs of RAM to 16 Gbs of...

Fun With Photo Color Effects: All About Green
In this short blog entry, I will be discussing colored photo effects, & of course if you have seen yet I kinda of like the color green....

Hp Computer Installation: "Large -n- Charge"
Thank you... Good luck, have fun, & use safety Nate, Jett Art Industries #computerrepair #installation #computerinstallation...

Just An Ole' Fashion Computer Scrubbing: "Wow, Now That's Dirty"
In this short blog entry, I have a few photos of a desktop computer that really needed some scrubbing...Wow, I really had to get down...

Hard Drive Repair & Recovery: Ouch!
In this blog entry, I have quite a few photos of a hard drive repair and recovery, which can be very tedious, & still in the end all...

Samsung Screen Replacement: "Cracked & Covered!?!"
In this blog entry, I'll discuss about this Samsung Chromebook, it cracked and broken screen, plus how having a really good warranty...

Game Xchange-Columbia: "Go Game Exchange"
http://www.gogamexchange.com/ "Wow, where have you been all life, how could I not realize this place has been in Columbia for the past 6...